19 August 2009

Senior Portrait Session, Salem Oregon

And here are a couple more of Kelsey. I'll save the rest for her session portfolio.

I met with Kelsey yesterday on a blistering hot evening for her Senior Portrait Session. I've posted 3 pictures here for a quick preview and they are as varied as can be! We were at Kelsey's beautiful church (the oldest Methodist church west of the Mississippi) and we went inside, outside, used the brick, the stained glass, the grass, the pews and other endless possibilities for backdrops. It was SO much fun!

Sweet and simple in the grass. Kelsey looks beautiful!

We were going for "vintage glamor" in this shot. Can you tell we were having too much fun? My good friend Jenni (a friend of Kelsey's family too) was there to help as "stylist."

Back to the sanctuary, these beautiful leaded glass windows gave the perfect light for a peaceful pose. Thanks, Kelsey and family and stylist, for a great time. I have about 100+ more pictures I am looking forward to showing you.