18 August 2011

Family Portraits | Dallas, Oregon | Part III

My stars!

Do they get any cute than this? 

And in case you are wondering, I didn't brighten up those eyes with editing at all. 

No filter or tint could even compare the natural beauty of all three of these kids' magical eyes.

And their sparkling personalities are awesome too!

I fall into a time warp when I meet someone again that I knew when I was a kid.

In my mind, they didn't change or grow up. I might have, but my memories of that person remained unchanged.

So I am always a little shocked, "What you are married and have three kids? When did this happen?"

Oh ya, in the 15 years since I last saw you!

And what a beautiful family they have!

This family was a true joy to work with.

I loved catching up and seeing how the years changed some things,

but others, like friendship, stay the same.
