My family and I recently went on a road trip to Canada, through BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. The weather was perfect for our stay in the Canadian Rockies near Canmore. We had a great time.
Notice in the picture above how the clouds follow the mountains. I couldn't resist a picture from the road. And it even turned out OK through our dirty windshield. We went over 3,000 miles on our journey, but it was SO worth it for the beauty we saw and the experiences we had as a family.
I picked a few favorite pictures of the girls...
Emma loves to sing and she found this rock and made it her stage at Lake Louise. It reminded me of the Sound of Music as she danced and sang. The mountains are very similar in their grandeur to the Alps.
Try not to smile at this one. She is 14 months now and such a poser for the camera. Unlike her sister at the same age, Mandy always has a willing smile and loved being able to crawl all over the rocks by the lake.
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