05 May 2010


I am not normally a landscape photographer. Actually, I'm usually totally bored with landscape pictures. But I came up over this hill by our house and was mesmerized by the view. I had my camera and had to stop and get a picture.

I have a short break between clients right now. That's okay with me since the nice spring weather is also no where to be found. Indoor pictures are always an option, but outside is my favorite. Warm up please!

I do have a passel of 3 year olds on the books (3 to be precise), and 2 families in the next few weeks. It's true that summer is the favorite time of year for photos, so my time is filling up fast. I'll continue to take a maximum of  2 appointments per week. Call me or email to make arrangements for a session. I'm excited to help!

-- Alysun