28 September 2011

Senior Portraits | Monmouth, Oregon | Lifestyle Photography

I should really stop saying, "I had so much fun at this session."

Or maybe not. 

I think I've found my niche, because I LOVE the art of capturing individual's personality and beauty.

We grabbed the very last of the beautiful weather on the 

weekend before forecasted rain.

These girls have been friends for 10 years and they were a joy to photograph.

Both stunningly beautiful in their own way, I'll do two posts to share a few great images of each.

This shoot was done entirely at my property.

There is a lot of versatility around the yard and barn (and road!).

I think the girls were a little scared as I led them through weeds and dirt. 

What troopers, they didn't complain and we got some beautiful shots.



Mrs. M ~ a.k.a. ~ April said...

These pictures were great! I wish we had a barn around the property where Adam and I are getting married :)