16 February 2012

Photography Class

The goal of this photography class is to provide information on digital photography to help you quickly improve your skills, using your DSLR to its full advantage. Weekly photo challenges (shared on Flickr) will challenge you and give helpful feedback as you learn. I’ll be using Scott Kelby’s book Digital Photography, as the main reference (not necessary to buy) and sharing from my experience as a self-taught photographer.

My hope is that we can bring together a group of women who are photo enthusiasts, eager to learn and have fun together in a no-pressure environment. The class will be held at my home on Saturdays in March from 1:30-3:30pm, or 4pm. The cost is $50 for all 4 Saturdays plus a field trip in Polk County to practice our skills at the end of the class. I am limiting the class size to 6, notify me ASAP so I can save your spot. 3 851 4122 or email: ajepeters@gmail.com

 *Week One (March 10, 2012):
 Shooting in manual
Aperture, Shutter speed, and ISO
Nailing Focus
Too dark vs. too light
Edit as you shoot
Photo Challenge: Manual mode using natural light

 *Week Two (March 17, 2012):
 Shooting Portraits
Where to focus, setting focal points
Positioning Subjects (groups, newborns, and kids)
Backgrounds Indoor/outdoor (using flash)
Photo Challenge: People picture

 *Week Three (March 24, 2012):
 Action Shots
Shutter Speed
Moving Portraits (kids ages 9 months to 10 years ☺ )
Showing Motion Shooting in burst mode
Vertical vs. horizontal shots
Photo Challenge: Action, showing motion

 *Week Four (March 31, 2012):
 Part I: Composing Great Landscapes
Shooting in Aperture Priority Mode
Horizontal lines, rule of thirds
Part II: Photo editing using Photoshop Elements, quick tips to make great pictures even better Photo Challenge: Landscape shot + Photo Editing shot

 *This is the basic schedule, although it may change due to the needs of the group and/or time restraints.