26 July 2011

Beautiful Mom | Lifestyle Photography | Monmouth, Oregon

You might think these look like senior portraits. 

Young with not a care in the world, perhaps?

But this wasn't a typical shoot because this beautiful lady is married with 4 children!

She is married to her highschool sweetheart for 8 years

and her man wanted some pictures of his wife for his birthday.

I was so happy to take these photos.

This lady has walked miles away from "not a care in the world" and lives life with her whole heart.

She gives 150% as Jesus-lover, wife, mom, homemaker, business woman, 

and sports enthusiast (to name a few).

We had a wonderful time!

In the super-model-worthy pose above, she is gazing fondly at a cow-pie.

A mom of 4 boys can manage that while looking gorgeous!

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. "

~Celia Thaxter

It was really the perfect summer evening!

The light was fantastic and I loved my model, her outfit, and our setting (the family farm).

This was my first "Beautiful Mom" photo-shoot, but I would love to do more!

As a mom who never gets her picture taken (ehem!),

I know it is important to get photos done that make a woman feel


Moms should be celebrated!



Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

These look great, Alysun and Kelly!!

Anonymous said...

I would give Alysun all the credit, but she had pretty easy work capturing your beauty Kelly. Way to go Alysun, for getting it on film. Or CD??? Crazy modern world.